Golden Ragwort is a plant that is native to the area, with big dark-green leaves and yellow flowers that grow from long stalks in the early spring. I planted three of these guys in the side yard at my old place, and they did way better than the other native plants I tried to grow there. Their yellow flowers turn into clumps of dandelion-like seed fluff, which the next year sprang up into a whole ground cover's worth of plants. When I moved to my current place in the early summer, I dug up a few of the young plants and brought them with me. Despite having to wait a couple of days before I actually put them in the ground, they took really well to transplanting. I even got a few bonus plants, as some of their seeds were mixed into the dirt I dug up, and they sprung up on their own. After a year my transplants are still going strong, and I'm excited to see how many of their seeds are sprouting to blanket the little alley space where I planted them come spring next year.
Plant Facts
- Plant type:herb
- Status:native
- Range:All around
- Care level:easy